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Computerized Cognitive Rehabilitation

Cognitive rehabilitation involves behaviorally-oriented interventions designed to improve performance in cognitive and functional areas (Bray et al., 2017; Levine et al., 2000). Computerized cognitive rehabilitation is the provision of such practice via a computer program. 

Transversus Abdominis Plane (TAP) Block

Transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block refers to the infiltration of local anesthetics into the fascial plane between the internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles (Oh et al., 2017).​  

Peripheral Nerve Block

Peripheral nerve block refers to the use of local anesthetics to block peripheral nerves, which blocks the signaling of pain stimuli from the tumor to the central nervous system (Klepstad et al., 2015; Swarm, Karanikolas, & Cousins, 2000). This intervention has been studied for treatment of cancer-related pain. 

Morphine and Magnesium

When opioids bind to their receptors, pain transmission is reduced (Baaklini, Arruda, & Sakata, 2017; Nechifor, 2012), but the sensitivity to pain may increase (Angst & Clark, 2006; Baaklini et al., 2017; DuPen, Shen, & Ersek, 2007). Magnesium plays a role in pain sensitivity (Baaklini et al., 2017; Célèrier et al., 2000) and has been studied in combination with opioids for cancer-related pain. 

mHealth Symptom Management

mHealth symptom management refers to the use of mobile health, or mHealth, devices to help manage symptoms in patients with cancer. mHealth involves the use of devices with mobile computing capabilities to monitor, track, and transmit health data continuously and in real time (Steinhubl, Muse, & Topol, 2015). 

Steinhubl, S.R., Muse, E.D., & Topol, E.J. (2015). The emerging field of mobile health. Science Translational Medicine, 7, 283rv3.

Vitamin D3 for Aromatase Inhibitor-associated Musculoskeletal Symptoms (AIMSS)

Vitamin D is involved in maintaining the collagen-rich osteoid surface of the skeleton. Low levels of vitamin ​D may lead to demineralization of that surface, which may​ contribute to pressure and pain (Felson & Cummings, 2005; Holick, 2006, 2007; Shapiro et al., 2016). The active hormone 1a,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 promotes muscle cell growth, which may foster better ​muscle function (Boonen  et al., 2006; Ceglia, 2008; Shapiro et al., 2016) and decreased skeletal pain​ (Shapiro et al. 2016).

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy combines the principles of cognitive therapy with meditation practices to foster mindfulness (, n.d.). Mindfulness focused on mentally attending to an experience in a nonjudgmental way (Johannsen et al., 2016, Piet, Wurtzen, & Zachariae, 2012). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy has been studied in several symptoms and side effects of cancer treatment, including anxiety, depression, and pain. 


Cryoanalgesia involves the application of a cryoprobe to nerves (Ba et al., 2015; Evans, Lloyd, & Green, 1981). The cryoprobe has a bulb at its top that cools to temperatures of -50 to -80 degrees (Ba et al., 2015; Moorjani et al., 2001). It has been studied in post-surgery pain in patients with cancer. 

Acupuncture and Methylcobalamin

Acupuncture is a method of producing analgesia or altering the function of a body system by inserting fine, wire-thin needles (about the diameter of a strand of hair) into acupoints along a specific meridian (meridians are channels in the body that transport energy) on the body. The needles are twirled or energized electronically or are warmed and left in place for approximately 20-30 minutes. Acupuncture has been evaluated in anxiety, CINV, dyspnea, pain, hot flashes, depression, lymphedema, sleep-wake disturbance, peripheral neuropathy, and fatigue.

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