Quality & Safety

Survivorship Data Coordinator: Successful Exemplar of a New Survivorship Care Plan Role

Kathleen A. Sweeney

survivorship care plan, data, care coordination, patients with cancer, staffing
CJON 2020, 24(1), 95-98. DOI: 10.1188/20.CJON.95-98

Survivorship care and survivorship care plans have become integral components of comprehensive cancer care and national accreditation. An academic and community cancer network successfully pilot tested a new non-nursing role to support efficiency in case finding, staffing, and tracking patients throughout care delivery: the survivorship data coordinator (SDC). Key functions of the SDC role include abstracting data into survivorship care plans, scheduling survivorship visits, and tracking the number of completed survivorship care plans shared with patients. This pivotal role improved organizational processes and facilitated achievement of accreditation standards around survivorship care.


  • Survivorship care is a team effort that starts at diagnosis and requires prospective data collection.
  • Survivorship care plans represent one patient-centered component of comprehensive survivorship care coordination.
  • Oncology nurses are instrumental in the provision of personalized education in survivorship care to support each patient completing cancer treatment.
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