
Nephrotoxicity: Evidence in Patients Receiving Cisplatin Therapy

Elizabeth A. Duffy

Wendy Fitzgerald

Kelley Boyle

Radha Rohatgi

cisplatin, hydration, nephrotoxicity, cancer, mannitol, magnesium
CJON 2018, 22(2), 175-183. DOI: 10.1188/18.CJON.175-183

Background: Cisplatin has been used as a chemotherapeutic agent to treat many different cancers. A well-known side effect of cisplatin is nephrotoxicity, which is the primary dose-limiting toxicity. Hydration in conjunction with appropriate diuresis can decrease the incidence of nephrotoxicity.

Objectives: This article aims to identify best practices in supportive therapy for patients receiving cisplatin therapy.

Methods: A team was assembled to review research-based evidence and summarize recommendations to address appropriate hydration regimens and forced diuresis for patients receiving cisplatin chemotherapy.

Findings: After a systematic search of the literature, only one pediatric study was found. The remaining 22 research-based studies of adults were synthesized and critically appraised. Hydration is necessary to prevent nephrotoxicity with cisplatin administration. In addition, the administration of magnesium and mannitol may assist in maintaining renal function and reducing nephrotoxicity in adults receiving cisplatin. Additional research is needed to evaluate outcomes of these interventions in the pediatric population.

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