
The Breast Surgery Gallery

Lesley A. Kydd

Sheryl A. Reid

Jillian Adams

breast neoplasms, surgery, Patient education
CJON 2010, 14(5), 643-648. DOI: 10.1188/10.CJON.643-648

The Breast Surgery Gallery is a unique and innovative computer program of digital photographs depicting sequential images of oncoplastic and prophylactic breast surgery. Specialist breast nurse counselors developed the tool to provide education and assist in decision making for people facing oncoplastic and prophylactic breast surgery. This article presents a historical perspective of the development of the gallery and how it can be used during education and counseling. The authors discuss background validation, structure, and testing of the gallery, with case studies that illustrate its flexibility. Data from regular audits of the breast surgery gallery demonstrate the tool's value. The Breast Surgery Gallery is a user-friendly tool that enables patients to make informed decisions while providing realistic photographs of the postoperative recovery phase.

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