
Cardio-Oncology Health Disparities: Social Determinants of Health and Care for Black Breast Cancer Survivors

Lakeshia Cousin

Natalee Roper

Timiya S. Nolan

social determinants of health, disparities, cardio-oncology, cardiovascular disease
CJON 2021, 25(5), 36-41. DOI: 10.1188/21.CJON.S1.36-41

Background: Black women experience higher rates of cardiotoxicity and cardiovascular disease (CVD)–related comorbidities than White women. These racial and ethnic disparities are primarily from the earlier onset of CVD risk factors, social determinants of health (SDOH), and cardiotoxicity screening and surveillance disparities.

Objectives: This article discusses the role of SDOH in cardio-oncology and strategies to prevent and detect adverse cardiovascular outcomes among Black breast cancer survivors.

Methods: Preliminary case study findings are presented, including treatment exposures to cardiotoxicity and SDOH in cardio-oncology influencing health outcomes in Black breast cancer survivors.

Findings: Nurses can address SDOH and racial disparities in cardio-oncology by being mindful of Black breast cancer survivors’ increased burden of CVD risk factors, evaluating barriers to receive preventive care and cardio-oncology rehabilitation, practicing cultural humility, and adhering to evidence-based guidelines for behavioral risk management for Black breast cancer survivors.

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