
Oral Chemotherapy: A Home Safety Educational Framework for Healthcare Providers, Patients, and Caregivers

Cynthia Huff

hazardous drugs, safe handling, oral chemotherapy, Patient education
CJON 2020, 24(1), 22-30. DOI: 10.1188/20.CJON.22-30

Background: Hazardous oral anticancer agents (OACs) require the same safe-handling considerations in the home setting as in controlled healthcare environments. Effective home management strategies for OAC administration emphasize caregiver protections, proper storage, safe administration, spill management, and proper waste disposal to reduce the risk for hazardous drug exposure.

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to establish a framework for oral chemotherapy education for healthcare providers, patients, and caregivers using a checklist and teach-back tool focused on OAC safe handling.

Methods: A literature search was performed to establish a framework for education on home administration of OACs. Seven articles were selected to review.

Findings: Developing education initiatives aimed at increasing patients’ and caregivers’ knowledge of and skills and confidence in administering OACs at home can ensure the safe management of treatments. To establish safe-handling practices for OAC home administration, nurses can implement a standard framework for patient and caregiver education.

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