
Advocacy: The Pivotal Role of Oncology Nurses

Roxanne Blackburn

Kristin G. Johnson

Sandra Chaveleh

advocacy, oncology, legislative issues, nursing, policy decision making
CJON 2020, 24(1), 103-106. DOI: 10.1188/20.CJON.103-106

Advocacy, an important component of nursing professional practice, is pivotal to ensuring that nurses’ experience and insight influence public policy. Understanding how to become engaged and receive training to inform that process can support nurses’ professional development. Such engagement ensures that nurses’ unique insights inform the policies that affect patient care and professional practice in oncology and beyond.


  • Advocacy is a pillar of the nursing profession and ensures that the invaluable perspective of nurses is included in policy decision making.
  • Oncology nurses’ advocacy is fundamental to advancing issues that affect the safe and effective delivery of care to patients with cancer.
  • With a foundation in advocacy and involvement, oncology nurses can contribute to local, state, and national healthcare policy initiatives.
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