
Survivor Fitness: An Exercise Program for Young Survivors and Patients With Cancer

Jose A. Acevedo

adaptive fitness, physical activity, survivorship, exercise, bone health
CJON 2017, 21(2), 257-258. DOI: 10.1188/17.CJON.257-258

Young survivors of cancer often face challenges reintegrating into their schools and communities after treatment. Maintaining a physically active lifestyle is recommended, but finding appropriate exercises that cater to their needs can be difficult. As a result, the pilot fitness program Move4Fun/Move4Fitness was developed. This 12-week basic fitness program teaches young survivors of cancer appropriate exercises and how they can exercise on their own with limited space and equipment. Participants experienced physical and mental transformations demonstrated through weight loss, building of muscle, and increased self-confidence.


  • Low impact exercise and stretching can help maintain flexibility and balance during and after treatment.
  • A workout buddy can help survivors stay consistent, as well as provide emotional support and motivation.
  • Survivors should always consult their physician before beginning any exercise program.
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