Patient & Family Perspectives

Journey of a Woman With Terminal Cervical Cancer

Theresa A. Kessler

cervical cancer, diagnosis, terminal illness
CJON 2016, 20(3), 340-342. DOI: 10.1188/16.CJON.340-342

When a cervical cancer diagnosis is made during a terminal stage, a woman is faced with many challenges. Although a terminal illness has many negative effects, such as physical pain, scarring, fear, and sexual dysfunction, women may experience a positive impact on their life, such as improved well-being and a greater appreciation of daily life. The individual experience can lead to personal revelations. Sometimes, the diagnosis can even be seen as a blessing. Understanding a personal experience in a real-life context of the terminal stages of disease is important. This story shares the day-to-day journey of a woman living with a terminal illness of cervical cancer.

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