
Oncology Nurse Navigator Role Delineation Study

Carlton G. Brown

Cynthia Cantril

Lori McMullen

Dana L. Barkley

Michele Dietz

Cynthia Miller Murphy

Lawrence J. Fabrey

clinical nursing research
CJON 2012, 16(6), 581-585. DOI: 10.1188/12.CJON.581-585

The purpose of the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Oncology Nurse Navigator Role Delineation Study was to examine the job-function activities of the oncology nurse navigator, thus providing an understanding of this unique role. The Role Delineation Advisory Committee consisting mainly of oncology nurse navigators was formed to provide content expertise to Applied Measurement Professionals, which conducted the role delineation study. Three hundred and thirty nurses completed the survey. The study clearly defined tasks, knowledge areas, and skills that are very specific to the nurse navigator role; however, the overlap in knowledge with the general oncology nurse role needs to be explored. The ONS Board of Directors and the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation Board of Directors currently are exploring the need for additional initiatives to help define the role and competencies of the oncology nurse navigator.

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