Advanced Oncology Nursing Certification Review and Resource Manual (Third Edition)

Advanced Oncology Nursing Certification Review and Resource Manual (Third Edition)
Celeste Baldwin, Cathy Coleman, & Marlon Garzo Saria
Oncology Nursing Society


The third edition of ONS’s Advanced Oncology Nursing Certification Review and Resource Manual prepares nurses for any Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation advanced oncology certification examination through an all-inclusive clinical resource. The book provides a thorough overview of oncology advanced practice and includes the framework from the recent American Association of Colleges of Nursing publication The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education, which re-envisions nursing education. Each chapter contains content on sample subjective, objective, and assessment and plan notes; case studies; and relevant nursing and interprofessional resources—with practice test questions similar in structure to the questions used in the exam.  

The text is a valuable resource to oncology APNs, graduate nursing students, medical residents, physician assistants, and oncology nurses in clinical practice. Don’t wait to order the latest edition of the best-selling Advanced Oncology Nursing Certification Review and Resource Manual


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