
Results of an Oncology Clinical Trial Nurse Role Delineation Study

Michelle A. Purdom

Sandra Petersen

Barbara K. Haas

clinical trial nurse, oncology, factor analysis, research nurse, research coordinator
ONF 2017, 44(5), 589-595. DOI: 10.1188/17.ONF.589-595

Purpose/Objectives: To evaluate the relevance of a five-dimensional model of clinical trial nursing practice in an oncology clinical trial nurse population.

Design: Web-based cross-sectional survey.

Setting: Online via Qualtrics.

Sample: 167 oncology nurses throughout the United States, including 41 study coordinators, 35 direct care providers, and 91 dual-role nurses who provide direct patient care and trial coordination.

Methods: Principal components analysis was used to determine the dimensions of oncology clinical trial nursing practice.

Main Research Variables: Self-reported frequency of 59 activities.

Findings: The results did not support the original five-dimensional model of nursing care but revealed a more multidimensional model.

Conclusions: An analysis of frequency data revealed an eight-dimensional model of oncology research nursing, including care, manage study, expert, lead, prepare, data, advance science, and ethics.

Implications for Nursing: This evidence-based model expands understanding of the multidimensional roles of oncology nurses caring for patients with cancer enrolled in clinical trials.

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