Virizuela, J.A., Escobar, Y., Cassinello, J., Borrega, P., & SEOM (Spanish Society of Clinical Oncology). (2012). Treatment of cancer pain: Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) recommendations for clinical practice. Clinical & Translational Oncology, 14, 499–504.


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Purpose & Patient Population

To describe—in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) treatment strategy of pain stages—the classification, evaluation, and treatment of chronic cancer pain in adults

Type of Resource/Evidence-Based Process

The resource is consensus-based, but authors did not delineate the development process.

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • Phase of care: multiple phases
  • Clinical application: palliative care


Results Provided in the Reference

Authors did not state any results.

Guidelines & Recommendations

Recommendations adhere to WHO guidelines for stage of pain. Authors provide some recommendations about the management of breakthrough and intractable pain, citing specific dosage suggestions for opioid formulations and coanalgesic drugs used with neuropathic pain. Authors recommend rapid-onset opioids based on transmucosal fentanyl as drugs of choice for the treatment of breakthrough pain. The resource cites sedation as the best option for refractory pain.


The basis of evidence for these recommendations is unclear. The recommendations do not reflect recent research, particularly in the area of intractable pain. The resource is primarily a reiteration of the WHO step-analgesic recommendations, which some of the most current research is challenging.

Nursing Implications

The resource provides recommendations from a professional group; nurses should keep in mind that the base of evidence regarding these recommendations is unclear.