National Comprehensive Cancer Network. (2015). NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology: Distress management [v.3.2015]. Retrieved from


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Purpose & Patient Population

PURPOSE: To provide guidance for screening and management of distress in cancer
TYPES OF PATIENTS ADDRESSED: Adult patients with cancer

Type of Resource/Evidence-Based Process

RESOURCE TYPE: Evidence-based guideline
PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT: A panel reviews evidence and creates updates for consensus recommendations.
DATABASE USED: PubMed (2013-2014)
KEYWORDS: cancer distress, anxiety, depression, dementia, delirium, mood disorders

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

PHASE OF CARE: Multiple phases of care

Results Provided in the Reference

242 references were retrieved. No specific rating of study quality is described and most evidence is at the level of consensus.

Guidelines & Recommendations

For anxiety and depression, psychotherapy with or without psychotropic drugs is recommended. Social service and chaplain counseling are suggested. Specific algorithms for chaplain interventions are provided.


Most recommendations are consensus-based.  Limited search database

Nursing Implications

Suggestions for management of distress, and guidelines for the use of the NCCN Distress Thermometer and for distress screening are provided.