Moseley, A.L., Carati, C.J., & Piller, N.B. (2007). A systematic review of common conservative therapies for arm lymphoedema secondary to breast cancer treatment. Annals of Oncology, 18(4), 639–646. 

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STUDY PURPOSE: To review the common conservative therapies for arm lymphedema secondary to breast cancer treatment

  • Complex physical therapy 
  • Manual lymphatic drainage 
  • Pneumatic pump therapy 
  • Oral pharmaceuticals 
  • Low-level laser 
  • Limb exercise
  • Limb elevations
  • Self-massage 

Search Strategy

DATABASES USED: Search of English literature using the search engines CINAHL, PubMed, MEDLINE, CancerLit, PEDro, and Cochrane Evidence-Based Medicine Database; proceedings from the International Society of Lymphology and the Australian Lymphoedema Association; and contact with primary authors when publications were difficult to source. 



Literature Evaluated

EVALUATION METHOD AND COMMENTS ON LITERATURE USED: Data were extracted using EndNote 7® (Thomson Reuters), and a quality scale assessment tool was used. Review included randomized, controlled, parallel, crossover format, and case-controlled and cohort studies. Case reports and anecdotal evidence were not reviewed. Because of treatment and data heterogeneity, authors were not able to perform a meta-analysis.


Magnitude of reduction in arm volume based on average volume change
Recommended for Practice
  • Manual lymphatic drainage and compression: 43%
  • CPT: 28%
  • Compression: 12% (not rated as stand-alone therapy)
Likely to Be Effective
  • Low-level laser: 12% therapy 
  • Manual lymphatic drainage alone: 24%
Benefits Balanced With Harm
  • Exercise: 5%
Effectiveness not Established
  • Pneumatic pump: 27%
  • Self-massage: 3%
Not Recommended for Practice
  • Drugs (benzopyrones): 16%
  • Elevation: 3% (not rated as stand-alone therapy)


  • Limited sample size in many studies and few randomized, controlled trials

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