Supportive Care

Colorectal Cancer in Young Adults: Considerations for Oncology Nurses

Nina N. Grenon

young-onset colorectal cancer, adolescent and young adult cancer, risk factors
CJON 2024, 28(1), 10-14. DOI: 10.1188/24.CJON.10-14

The incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) in the young adult population has increased during the past several decades, which is concerning to healthcare professionals. Awareness of CRC needs to be at the forefront for healthcare professionals, including nurses, because this patient population presents with unique challenges. A specialty center focusing on the care of young adult patients with CRC can meet the needs of this patient population. Oncology nurses can be knowledgeable about this incidence trend and facilitate the delivery of care that is appropriate to meet the needs of young adult patients with CRC.


  • CRC is increasing in young adults, who present with unique needs during cancer treatment and into survivorship.
  • Young adult patients with CRC need customized management of care.
  • Greater awareness of young-onset CRC is needed among nurses because the incidence is expected to continue to rise.
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