
Sleep Disturbance in Hospitalized Recipients of Stem Cell Transplantation

Laura Boonstra

Karen Harden

Sarah Jarvis

Stephanie Palmer

Pam Kavanaugh-Carveth

Joe Barnett

Christopher R. Friese
sleep, sleep disturbance, stem cell transplantation
CJON 2011, 15(3), 271-276. DOI: 10.1188/11.CJON.271-276

Disrupted sleep is considered a patient outcome sensitive to oncology nursing care and can lead to a variety of physical and psychologic dysfunctions, such as insomnia, chronic pain, respiratory distress, obesity, stress, and anxiety. Although sleep disturbances have been studied in recipients of hematopoietic stem cell transplantations (HSCTs), these studies have not examined the acute phase of transplantation. The current study aimed to identify the level of sleep disturbance in this patient population, identify factors contributing to decreased ability to sleep for hospitalized recipients of HSCT, and compare the differences in sleep disturbance between age, gender, type of transplantation, and initial stem cell transplantation versus readmission for transplantation-associated complications. Among the 69 patients studied, 26% reported clinical insomnia, as measured by the Insomnia Severity Index, and 74% had some degree of insomnia. Patient characteristics were not significantly associated with insomnia scores. Patients reported bathroom use as the most frequent reason for sleep disruption (85%). These findings suggest that sleep disturbances are common in hospitalized patients undergoing HSCT, and strategies to reduce disruptions are needed to improve patient outcomes.

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